Tuesday, June 21, 2011

no corkscrew on hand

I'm not usually a fan of unsolicited advice. But one I paid attention to was when people would tell me before I got married that "the first year of marriage is the hardest". I didn't fully grasp what they meant by this until after I got married.

The Hubbs and I had been long distance for about 70% of our dating/engaged relationship and I fully expected that adjusting to being together every day was going to be challenging at times but I wanted nothing more than to FINALLY be in the same state let alone same city and house as him. It has been nearly a month since our wedding day and I can now say that I understand more fully what everyone meant by that wise piece of advice.

No two humans are exactly alike. We all have different interests, personalities, histories, etc. God made us that was for a reason. Just think of how BORING life was if everyone you ever met liked everything you liked and agreed/disagreed with all of the same issues as you did. Differences are what makes the world go round- or at least make it interesting. Marriage like any relationship takes time and effort to make it work. That is what is so beautiful about relationships. Its about compromising and adjusting your own silly habits or ways to accommodate the other person. I like my fruit cold in the fridge- he likes his room temperature on the counter- so we have most of it on the counter. I like orange juice without pulp- he likes a lot of pulp in his juices- we are now drinking OJ with "some pulp". We are both compromising and making life together work.

Last night we had bought a bottle of wine at the grocery store to drink with dinner. When we got home we quickly realized that we did not own any type of corkscrew. Not sure how on our long registry we overlooked asking for a corkscrew. I suggested The Hubbs go ask our neighbor if he had one- unfortunately he did not. Being the cleaver people we are we decided to start brainstorming ways to get this cork out. We tried stabbing a knife into the cork to yank it out- no luck. We tried drilling into the cork with an electric drill- no luck. Finally we tried putting several wall hooks (that have the corkscrew base) into the badly mangled cork and pulling up with a dowel rod. This technique slowly seemed to be working but by the end of it we didn't have enough solid cork to get a grip on opening the bottle of wine. Nearly forty-five minutes later we accepted defeat and pushed the remaining inch of cork down into the bottle of wine and poured glasses (my apologizes to wine lovers everywhere- we are aware this is a big no no). Turns out I'm not a huge wine fan at all and ended up not drinking all of my glass but the Hubbs enjoyed his after tirelessly attempting to remove the cork.

Here is the end results of our bottle and cork. I made a comment afterwards how this was sort of a symbol for what the first year of marriage is like in a way. We don't really know what we are doing and must experience trial and error before things work out. But in the end we get the sweet tasting victory of being married and having each other in our life. I love when God shows me things I'm learning through random and obscure events.

I'm off to go tidy up the apartment and continue searching for a Big Girl Job

with love,

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